What does a Land Trust do?
The Redwood Coast Land Conservancy is a land trust. Land trusts are formed by groups of people who are interested in preserving the beneficial qualities of land in its natural or desired state.
Land trusts are not governmental agencies, but rather are private non-profit groups. They are created and run by local people to serve a public benefit– the protection of natural land values.
Land trusts carry out their mission in many ways. Most commonly they purchase or are granted defined development rights to land. Since land trusts agree not to exercise these development rights, the land is protected forever. This transfer of rights is often done in the form of a conservation easement.
Undeveloped land can serve a variety of public purposes. It can be a buffer between developed areas. It can serve as natural habitat for wildlife. It can be offered for recreational use, which can range from a simple trail through a wilderness area to an urban park with playgrounds, picnic areas, and other such facilities.
Some land trusts focus on preservation of particular types of land such as forest, agricultural, significant historical sites, or riparian land. Land trusts often sponsor environmental education activities. They also compile information on sites and areas in their locality that merit preservation.
RCLC does all of this with an additional focus on accepting, developing and monitoring coastal “access easements.”
Land trusts rely on the voluntary cooperation of land owners to protect the land. Because land trusts are private, local organizations, they can be flexible and creative in negotiating with land owners to protect cherished values of particular pieces of property.
We welcome your participation in our efforts whether you are a land owner wishing to assure that a treasured property is protected for generations to come or an individual or group wanting to volunteer or donate to help fulfill our vision of an accessible, preserved, restored and sustainable Mendocino / Sonoma coast.